Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Assembly Language Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1.Which is not a funciton of a loader





Binder performs the functions of




4.all of these

The error that can be pointed out by the compiler are

1.syntax errors

2.semantic errors

3.logical errors

4.internal errors

system programs such as compiler are designed as that they are



3.serially usable


A system program that set up an executable program in main memory ready for execution is





Assembler is a program that

1.places programs into memory and prepares then for execution

2.automates the translation of assemble language into machine language

3.accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

4.appears to execute a resource as if it were machine language

An interpreter is a program that

1.places programs into memory and prepares then for execution

2.automates the translation of assemble language into machine language

3.accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

4.appears to execute a resource as if it were machine language

A compiler is a program that

1.places programs into memory and prepares then for execution

2.automates the translation of assemble language into machine language

3.accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

4.appears to execute a resource as if it were machine language

A system program that sets up an executable program in main memory ready for execution




4.laod and go

A single two pass assembler does which of the following in the first pass

1.It allicates space for the literals

2.It computes the total length of the program

3.It builds the symbol table for the symbols and their values

4.all pf the above

recursive descent parsing is an example of

1.top down parsers

2.botton up parsers

3.predictive parsing

4.none of these

In an absolute loadin scheme which loader function is accomplished by loader





disadvantage of compiler and go loading scheme is that

1.a position of memory is wasted because the case occupied by the assembler is unavailable the object program

2.it is necessary to retranslate the users program check every time it is run

3.it is very difficult to handle multiple segments especially if the source programs are in different language and to produce overlay modular programs

4.all of the above

context free language can be recognized by

1.finite state automation

2.linear bounded automation

3.push down automata

4.both (b) and (c)

The set ( a power n b power n | n=1,2,3.....} can be generated by the CFG

1.S->ab | aSb | e

2.S-> aaSbb | ab

3.S-> ab | aSb

4.none of these

Which is not true about syntax and semantic parts of a computer language

1.syntax is generally checked by the programmer

2.semantics is the responsibility of the programmer

3.semantics is checeked mechanically by a computer

4.both (b) and (c)

The term environment in programming language semantics is said as

1.function that maps a name to value held there

2.function that maps a name to a storage location

3.the function that maps a storage location to the value held there

4.none of the above

The non-relocabe program is one which

1.can not be made to execute in any area to storage other than the one designated for it at the time of its coding or translation

2.consists of a program and relevent information for its reloaction

3.can itself perform the relocation of its address sensitive positions

4.all of the above

A self relocating program in one which

1.can not be made to exercise in any area of storage other than the one designated for it at the time of its coding or translation

2.consists of a program and relevent information for its reloaction

3.one itself perform the relocation of its address sensitive positions

4.all of the above

the linker

1.is the same as loader

2.is required to create a load module

3.user source code as input

4.is always used before programs are executed

a simle two pass assembler does which of the following in the first class

a.It allocates space for the literals

b.It computes the total length of the program

c.It builds the symbol table for the symbols and their values

d.It generates code for all the load and stores regular instruction

1.only a

2. a and b

3. a,b and c

4. only d

which of the following are language processors




4.all of these

The task of the logical analysis phase is

1.to parse the source program into the basic elements or token of the language

2.to build the literal table and an identifier table

3.to build a uniform symbol table

4.all of the above

The output of lexical analyzer is

1.to set of regular expressions

2.syntax tree

3.set of tokens

4.string of characters

pick the machine independent pahse of the compiler

1.syntax analysis

2.lexical analysis

3.intermediate code generation

4.all of the above

the bottom up parser generates

1.right most derivation

2.right most derivation in reverse

3.left most derivation

4.left most derivation in reverse

the top down parser generates

1.right most derivation

2.right most derivation in reverse

3.left most derivation

4.left most derivation in reverse

type checking is normally done during

1.lexical analysis

2.syntax analysis

3.syntax directed translation

4.code optimization

Which of the following grammers are not phase structured


2.context free grammar

3.context sensitive

4.none of these

LR stands for

1.left to right

2.left to right redirection

3.right to left

4.left to right and rightmost derivation in reverse

A grammar will be meaningless

1.if terminal set and non terminal set are not disjoint

2.if the left handside of a production has no non-terminal

3.if the left hand side of a production has non terminal

4.all of the above

Which of the following statements is false

1.a sentence of a grammar should be desirable from the start state

2.a sentence of a grammar should be frontier of a derivation tree, in which the root node has the start state as the label

3.a sentence of a grammar

4.two different grammars may generate the same language

Any syntactic constrct that can be described by a regular expression can also be described by a

1.context sensitive grammar

2.non-context free grammar

3.context free grammar

4.none of these

a compiler that runs on one machine and produces code for a different machine is called

1.cross compilation

2.one pass compilation

3.two pass compilation

4.none of these

In which addressing mode, the operand is given explicitly in the instruction itself

1.absolute mode

2.immediate mode

3.indirect mode

4.index mode

In which addressing mode the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant

value to the context of register

1.absolute mode

2.immediate mode

3.indirect mode

4.index mode

YACC stands for

1.yet accept compiler constructs

2.yet accept compiler compiler

3.yet another compiler constructs

4.yet another compiler compiler

An assembly program contains

1.imperative statements and assembler directives

2.imperative and declarative statement

3.imperative and declarative statement as well as assembler directive

4.declarative statements and assembler directive

context-free grammar (CFG) can be recognized by

1.finite state automata

2.2 way linear bounded automata

3.push down automata

4.both (b) and (c)

An ideal computer should a) be small in size b) produce object code that is smaller in

size and executes into tokens in a compiler


2.cose optimizer

3.code generator


a garbage is

1.un allocated storage

2.allocated, storage with all across path to it destroyed

3.allocated storage

4.uninitialized storage

assembly language uses

1.hex code

2.binary code


4.ASCII code

which of the following is not a function of pass1 of an assembler

1.generate data

2.keep track of LC

3.remember literals

4.remember values of symbols until pass 2

Am assembler converts

1.machine code to mnemonics

2.high level language to assembly level

3.assembly language to machine language

4.all of the above

8085 instruction set has ______________ different instructions





A macro processor can be

1.only single pass

2.both single and double pass

3.only double pass

4.none of the above

The basic task of a macro processor are

1.recognize macro calls

2.recognize and save macro definition

3.expand macro calls

4.all of the above

task not involved in loading are





the function(s) of the storage assignment is (are)

1.to assign storage to lierals and to ensure that the storage is allocated and appropriate locations are initialized

2.to assign storage to all temporary locations that are necessary for intermediate result

3.to assign storage to all variale

4.none of the above

the function(s) of scheduler is (are)

1.it selects which ready process is to be run next

2.it is waiting for an event to occur before continuing execution

3.it specifies the time slice

4.both (a) and (b)

the function performed by the paging software is (are)

1.management of the physical address syntax

2.implementation of the access environment for all programs in the systems

3.sharing and protection

4.all of the above

what is the name of the Operating System that reads and reacts in terms of actual time

1.tiem sharing system

2.quick response system

3.read time system

4.batch system

page fault frequency is an Operating System is reduced when the

1.process tend to be I/O bound

2.size of pages is reduced

3.process tend to be CPU bound

4.locality of reference applicable to the process

Bootstraping means

1.a language interpreting other language programs

2.a language compiling other language programs

3.a language compile itself

4.all of the above

Interpreter is

1.slower than compiler

2.generates target code

3.faster than compiler

4.does not build a tree

_______ is not a phase of compiler

1.syntax analysis

2.lexical analysis

3.code generation

4.Error correction

Functions of a lexical analyzer are

1.running white space

2.recognize constants, identifier and keywords

3.removing comments

4.All of the above

lexical analyzer generates




4.intermediate code

which of the following might be used to convert high level language instructions

into machine language code is


2.system software



The problem of threashing is affected sighnificantly by

1.primary-storage size

2.program size

3.program structure

4.all of these

A lex program consists of


2.auxillary procedure

3.translation rules

4.all of these

In lex, a class is implemented by first placing

1. ^

2. !

3. ~

4. NOT

A Lex compiler generates

1. Lex object code

2. transition

3. C tokens

4. None of these

Lex is a

1. programming language

2. pattern recognition language

3. assembly language

4. None of the above

Capacity planning

1.does not depend on the monitoring tools available

2.is independent of the operating system

3.required detailed systems performance informations

4.do not needed in small installations

Assembler language

1.is quite different from the SCL interpreter

2.requires fixed format commands

3.is a mnemonic forms of machine language

4.is usally the primary user interface

which of the following can be accessed by transfer vector approach of linking

1.Data located in other procedures

2.external subroutines

3.external data arguments

4.all of the above

The linker

1.is the same as the loader

2.is required to create a load module

3.uses source code as input

4.is always used before programs are executed

The compiler for a high level language that runs on one machine and produce code for a

different machine is called

1.multipass compiler

2.one pass compiler

3.cross compiler

4.optimizing compiler

A YACC program has

1.translation rules



4.all of these

A YACC is a

1.LR parser

2.parser generator

3.compile and go

4.code optimizer

predictive parsers can be




4.both (a) & (b)

Intermediate code generation phase gets input from

1.lexical analyzer

2.syntax analyzer

3.semantic analyzer

4.error handler

An example of intermediate language is





Indicate which of the following is not true about an interpreter

1.Interpreter generates an object program from the source program

2.interpreter analysis each source statements every time it is to be executed

3.interpreter is a kind of translator

4.all of the above

The pass numbers for each of the following activities

1.listing printed

2.literals added to literal table

3.object code generation

4.address resoultion of local symbols

A simple two pass assembler does the following in the first pass

1.It allocation space for the literals

2.It generates code for all the load and store register instruction

3.It builds the symbol table for the symbols and their values

4.It computes the total length of the program

type checking is normally done during

1.lexical analysis

2.syntax analysis

3.syntax directed translation

4.code optimization

Indicate wheather the statement LDA B is a statement in

1.machine language

2.assembly language

3.high level language

4.all of these

code generator gives

1.final or target code

2.source code

3.op code

4.machine code

code can be optmized at

1.source code

2.intermediate code

3.target code

4.all of these

we can optimize code by

1.dead code elimination

2.common sub programs

3.copy intermediate loop

4.loop declarational

A link editor is a program that

1.matches the parameters of the macto definition location of the parameters of the macro call

2.matches external names of one program with their location in other programs

3.matches the parameters of subroutine definition with location of parameters of the subroutine call

4.acts as a link between text editor and the user

During which type of analysis the computer tries to detect construction that have the right syntactic structure but no meaning to the operation involved

1.syntax analysis

2.semantic analysis

3.both (a) and (b)

4.neither (a) or (b)

which of the following is a semantic action

1.checking semantic validity of constructs in synthesis phase

2.determining the meaning of synthesis phase

3.constructing an intermediate representation

4.all of the above

which type of computers are designed to combine the main advantage of interpreters and compilers

1.optimizing compilers

2.incremental compilers

3.single pass compilers

4.none of these

which of the following is (are) function(s) of preprocessors

i.produce input to compilers ii. file inclusion iii.language extension iv.macro procesing

1.ii and iv

2.i,iv and iii

3.ii,iii and iv

4.all of the above

In implementation point of view, front end normally consists of

i.lexical analysis ii. syntax analysis iii. semantic analysis iv. intermediate code generation

1.i and ii

2.only i

3.i and iii

4.all of the above

which of the following statements is correct

1.a cross compiler which runs on one machine and generates code for another machine

2.the difference between a cross compiler and a normal compiler is in terms of the code generation only

3.cross compilers are widely used for mini and micro compilers

4.all of the above

which can detect errors the characters remaining in the input do not form any

taken of the language

1.syntax analysis phase

2.semantic analysis phase

3.lexical analysis phase

4.all of the above

In implementation point of view, back and normally consists of

i.code generation ii. code optimization iii. error handling iv. symbol table operations

1.ii and iv

2.ii , iii and iv

3.i , ii ad iii

4.all of the above

assembler is a program that

1.places program into memory and prepares them for execution

2.automates the translation of assembly language into machine language

3.accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

4.prepares to execute a resource as if it were machine language

An interpreter is a program that

1.places program into memory and prepares them for execution

2.automates the translation of assembly language into machine language

3.accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

4.prepares to execute a resource as if it were machine language

what is true about machine language

1.It is understood by the computer

2.It varies from one model if computer to another

3.It may always be represented by binary numbers

4.all of the above

A computer can not boot if it does not have the



3.operating system


A compiler is a program that

1.places programs into necessary and prepares them for execution

2.automated the transition of assembly language inot machine language

3.accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

4.appears to execute a source program as if it were machine language

compiler can diagnose

1.gramatical errors only

2.logical errors only

3.gramatical as well as logical errors

4.neither grammatical nor logical errors

A program by mistakes writes an instruction to divide, instead of a multiply such across

can be developed by a /an



3.compiler or interpreter test

4.none of the above

A most common system security method is




4.all of these

which of the following does not translate a resource program into machine language program

1.single pass assembler



4.none of these

diagnostic compilers and connecting compilers are



3.both useless

4.none of these

which of the following statements is true

1.macro definitions can not appear within other macros definitions in assembly language program

2.overlapping is used to run a program which is longer than the address space of computer

3.mutual memory can be used to accommodate a program which is longer than the address space of computer

4.It is not possible to write interrupt service routines in a high level language

A compiler-compiler is a /an

1.compiler which compiles a compiler program

2.software tool used in automatic generation of a computer

3.computer written in the source language it compiles

4.another same for cross-compiler

A compiler which allows only the modified section of the source code to be recompiled is called as

1.incremental compiler

2.reconfigurable compiler

3.dynamic compiler

4.relocative compiler

Choose the in correct sentence

1.Any software can be simulated by hardware

2.any hardware can be simulated by software

3.Firmwave is nothing but hardware implementation of software

4.firmwave is nothing but software implementation of software

What is kleen closure of L

1.one or only one concatenations of L

2. one or more concatenations of L

3.zero or more concatenations of L

4.none of the above

Tyoe checking is normally done during

1.lexical analysis

2.synatax analysis

3.syntax directed translation

4.code optimization

variable prefix property is supported by

i.LR parsing ii. LL parsing

1.only iii

2.only i

3.neither ii nor iii

4.both (i) and (ii)

A hardware device that is capable of executing a sequene of interaction

is known as





Dividing a project into segments and smaller units in order to simplify the

analysis, design and programming efforts is known as

1.modular approach

2.top down approach

3.bottom up approach

4.left right approach

Language which have may types , but the type of every name and expression must be

calculated a compile time are

1.strongly typed language

2.weakly typed language

3.closely typed language

4.none of the above

The functions of the syntax phase is

1.to recognize the major constructs of the language and to call the appropriate action routines that will generate the intermediate from or matrix for these construts

2.to build a literal table and an identifier table

3.to build an uniform symbol table

4.to purse the source program into the basic element on tokens of the language

Which one of the following statements is true

1.macro definition can not appear within other macro definitions

2.overlapping is used to run a program which as longer than the address space of computer

3.virtual memory can be used to acccomodate a program which is longer than the address space of a computer

4.It is not possible to write interrupt service routines in a high level language

In a syntax directed definition, terminals are assumed to have synthesized attributes only because

1.the definition does not provide any semantic rules for terminals

2.the definition and declaration does not provide any expression for non-terminals

3.values for attributes of terminals are usually supported by lexical analyzer

4.none of the above

The process of assigning load address to the various path of the program and adjusting the code and data in the

program to collect the assignment address is called




4.symbol resolution

which of the following statements is false

1.an unambiguous grammar has same leftmost and rightmost derivation

2.An LL(1) parser is top-down parser

3.LALR is most powerful than SLR(Single LR)

4.An ambiguous grammer can never be LR(R) for any k

which of the following is currect about syntax directed translation

i.Evaluation of the semantic rules may generate order, same information in a symbol table

ii. The translation of the token is the result obtained by evaluating the semantic rules

1.only i

2.only ii

3.ii and iii

4.neither i nor ii

Advantage of using assembly language rather than machine language is that

1.it is mnemonic and easy to read

2.address are symbolic , not absolute

3.introduction of data to program in easier

4.All of the above

which of the following is incorrect

1.In a syntax directed definition, terminals are assumed to have synthesized attributes only

2.values for, attributes of terminals are usually supported by the lexical analyzer

3.the start symbol , is assumed not to have any inherited attributes , less otherwise

4.none of the above

Undeclared and multiple identifiers are examples of

1.semantic errors

2.declartion errors

3.transposition errors

4.none of these

which of the following statements is false

1.In statically typed lan

2.declartion errors

3.transposition errors

4.none of these

Monday, June 1, 2015

Computer Networks Objective Type Questions with Answers

1.Which layer is responsible for data translating




4.data link

1.End-to-End connectivity is provided from host to host in

1.network layer

2.session layer

3.data link layer

4.transport layer

In OSI model, which of the following layers transforms information from machine format

into that understandable of user





Which layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user



3.data link


The OSI model consists of _________ layers





The _________ layer divides the location of synchronization points





The end-to-end delivery of the entire message is the responsibility of the ______ layer





The ______ layer is the layer almost to the transmission medium


2.data link



In the __________ layer , the data unit is called a frame


2.data link



Description and encryption of data are the responsibilities of the _______ layers


2.data link



dialog control is the function of the _____________ layer





mail services and directory services are available to network users through the

_________ layers

1.data link




Node-to-Node delivery of the data unit is the responsibility of the _____ layers


2.data link



As the data packets move from the lower to the upper layers, headers are





The ________ layer lies between the network layer and the session layers


2.data link



When data are transmitted from device A to device B, the headers from A's layer 5

is read by B's _____________ layers





which topology feature is a point-to-point line configuration




4.all of these

In a _________ link , the only traffic is between the two connected devices




4.none of these

In a network with 25 computers which topology would require the most extensive cabling





With respect to the channel access methods in broadband network, which of the following

statements is in correct

1.token passing is a more fair method than CDMA/CD

2.token passing is stable in binary traffic conditions

3.CSMA /CD is more stable in heavy traffic conditions

4.Adding and removing nodes to CSMA /CD Lan its easier than to token passing LAN

Local area networks can transmit

1.slower than telecommunications over public telephone lines

2.faster than telecommunications over public telephone lines

3.using twisted pair wiring or coaxial cables

4.both (a) and (c)

The application layer of a network

1.establishes , maintains and terminates virtual circuits

2.consists of software being run on the computer connected to the network

3.defines the user's post into the network

4.all of the above

devices on the network can communicate with devices on another network via

1.file server

2.printer server

3.utility server


A distributed network configuration in which all data/ instructions pass through a central

computr is

1.bus network

2.ring network

3.star network

4.point-to-point network

The communication mode that supports two way traffic but only one direction at a time is

computr is


2.half duplex



the central omputer surrounded by one or more satellite computer is called a

1.bus network

2.ring network

3.star network

4.All of these

FDDI is a

1.ring network

2.star network

3.mesh network

4.bus based network

How many pairs of stations can simulenously communicate on ethernet LAN





the communication mode that supports data in both directions at the same time is


2.half simplex

3.full simplex


modulation is the process of

1.sending a file from one computer to anther computer

2.converting digital sigmals to analog signals

3.converting analog signals to digital signals

4.echoing every character that is received

which layer is international standard organization's OSI model responsible for creating and

recognizing frame boundaries

1.physical layer

2.data link layer

3.transport layer

4.network layer

Why was the OSI developed

1.manufactures disliked the TCP/IP protocol suite

2.The rate of data transfer was increasing exponentially

3.standards were needed to allow any two systems to communicate

4.None of the above

Ip is responsible for ________ communication while TCP is responible for ___________ communication

1.host-to-host, process to process

2.process-to-process, host-to-host

3.process-to-process, process-to-process

4.Node-to-node, node-to-node

In token ring, the token can be removed by

1.the nearest downstream neighbor

2.the receiving station

3.the ring monitor

4.the nearest upstream neighbor

who strips the data frame from the token ring network

1.destination station

2.the first station which wants to transmit next

3.the sending station

4.the station next to the destional station

match list I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists

List I List II

P: Data link layer 1.Ensures reliable transport of data over a physical point to point link

Q: Network layer 2.Encodes/Decodes data for physical transmission

R: Transport layer 3.Allows end-to-end communication between two processors

4.routes data from one network to the next

1.p-1 , q-4,r-3




the physical layer is concerned with the transmission of ________ over the physical medium





computers in a LAN can be interconnected by radio and infrared technolgies with

1.Wireless LAN

2.Network topologies



A device that links two homogenious packet-broadcast local network is





Distributed queue dual bus is a standard for




4.LAN and MAN

The teleprocessing system may consists of

1.user systems

2.communication systems

3.computer centre systems

4.All of the above

which layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user



3.data link


TCP is

1.operated at the data link layer

2.connection oriented and unreliable

3.connection oriented and reliable

4.connectionless and unreliable

Which of the following statements is correct

1.protocols converters are the same as multiplexers

2.protocol converters are the same as TDMs

3.protocol converters are usually not operated in pairs

4.protocol converters are usually operated in pairs

protocols are

1.agreements on how communication components are DTE's are to communicate

2.logical communication channels used for transferring data

3.physical communications channels used for transferring data

4.none of the above

Which of the following is wrong example of a network layer

1.Internet protocol - (IP - ARPANET

2.x.25 packet level protocol (PLP) - ISO

3.source routing and domain naming USENET

4.x.25 level 2-ISO


1.bit oriented

2.code transparent

3.both (a) and (b)

4.none of these

Baud means

1.the number of bits transmitted per unit time

2.the number of bytes transmitted per unit time

3.the rate at which signal changes

4.none of the above

Frame relay requires error checking at the _________ layer



3.data link

4.none of these

which of the following layer protocol are responsible for user and the applicaiton programme

support such as passwords , resource sharing file transfer and network management

1.layer 7 protocols

2.layer 6 protocols

3.layer 5 protocols

4.layer 4 protocols

protocols are

1.aggrements on how communication components and DTE's are to communicate

2.logical communication channels used for transferring data

3.physical communication channels used for transfering data

4.none of the above

In broadcast network, a layer that is often thin or non-existent is

1.network layer

2.transport layer

3.prentation layer

4.application layer

For pure ALOHA , the maximum channel utilization is

1.100 %

2.50 %

3.36 %

4.18 %

The network that requires human intervention to route signal is called a

1.bus network

2.ring network

3.star network

4.T-switched network

Baseband is

1.transmission of signals without modulation

2.a signal all of whose energy is contained within a finite frequency range

3.the simultenous transmission of data to a number of stations

4.all of the above

Working of the WAN generally involves


2.frame relay


4.All of these

Which of the following has the smallest default maximum physical receive packet size



3.Token ring [ 4 mbit/s]

4.token ring [ 16 mbit/s]

The x.25 standard specified a

1.technique for dial access

2.technique for start stop data

3.data bit rate

4.DTE/DCE interface

the frame relay committed information rate represents

1.maximum data rate on the network

2.steady state data on the network

3.minimum data rate on the network

4.interface data rate


1.is used for channel allocation problem

2.is used for data transfer

3.is uded for buffering

4.all of the above

pure ALOHA

1.does not require global time synchronization

2.does required global time synchronization

3.both (a) and (b)

4.none of the above

slotted ALOHA

1.divide time into discrete intervals

2.require global time synchronization

3.both (a) and (b)

4.none of the above


1.in an important protocol

2.is IEEE 802.3

3.both (a) and (b)

4.none of the above

which of the following is not a class of LAN



3.token bus

4.token ring

different computers are connected to a LAN by a cable and


2.interface card

3.special wires

4.telephone lines

The topology with higest relability is

1.bus topology

2.star topology

3.ring topology

4.mesh topology

In the carrier sense network, if the prevailling condition is a channel busy then

if the technique used is

1.non-persistent, then it results in randomized wait and sense

2.I-persistent, then the channel is continually sensed

3.P-persistent , then randomized retransmission is done

4.both (a) and (b)

In a client / server networking environment the processing

1.takes place only on the client side

2.of requests by the client is handled by the server

3.takes place only on the server side

4.none of the above

What is the maximum size of data that the application layer can pass on the TCP layer below

1.any size

2.116 byte

3.2 power 16 byte

4.1500 byre

the parameter which gives the probability of the transport layer itself spontaneously

terminating a connection due to internal problem is called



3.option negotiation

4.transfer failure

The division of a message into segments is a function of the


2.data link



Which layer deals with file system, transfer, vertical terminates implementation and interprocess






In token ring, the tokens can be removed by

1.the nearest down stream neighvour

2.the receiving station

3.the ring monitor

4.the nearest upstream neighbour

who strips the data frame the token ring network

1.destination station

2.the first station which wants to transmit next

3.The sending station

4.The station next to the destination station

The data communication support should include but is not restricted to

1.file and data base access

2.file transfer and transaction processing

3.terminal support electronic mail and voice grames

4.all of the above

A decrease in a magnitude of current, voltage, a power of a signal in transmission between paints, is known as





x.25 is

1.a method of determining which device access to the transmission medium at any time

2.a very common bit-oriented data link protocol issued by ISO

3.a method access control technique for multiple access transmission media

4.network access standard for connecting stations to a circuit switched network

which of the following network access standard is used for connecting stations to a packet switched network





which of the following network access standard is used for connecting stations to a packet switched network





Which of the commonly used unit for measuring the speed of data transmission

1.bit per second


3.byte per second

4.Either b or c

which of the following might be used by company to satisfy its growing communication speeds

1.from end processor




A distributed data processing configuration in which all activities must pass

through a centrally located computer is called a

1.hierarchical network

2.spider network

3.ring network

4.data control network

A communication device that combines transmission from several I/O devices into

one line is a




4.full duplex line

to make possible the efficient online servicing of many teleprocessing systems users on

large computer systems , designers are developing

1.multiprogramming systems

2.communication systems

3.virtual storage systems

4.all of the above

which of the following is not a major capability of information systems

1.provide high speed low volume numerical computation

2.store huge amounts of information

3.allpw fast access to informations

4.enable communication and collabration any where any time

which type of network covers a limited geographic distance such as an office building or a group of

building in close proximatly to each other




4.All of these

All of the following are types of PDA's except



3.pocket pcs

4.pocket palms

which of the following can be shared in a peer-to-peer network



3.hardware devices

4.all of these

A computer network is two or more connected computers that share



3.pheripheral devices

4.all of these

the speed of a DSL line varies based on which of the following factors

1.cpu speed

2.type of connection used

3.distance from phone company

4.number of users online

which of the following is not an advantage of DLS

1.always on

2.faster than telephone modem

3.constant speed

4.can talk and be online at the same time

Hand -held wireless devices such as TDAs may be used to access the internet over

wireless networks which of the following operating systems are not used in these devices

1.windows xp

2.packet pc


4.window CE

which network consists of one or more computers providing services to other computers





which of the following describes a set of rules used by every computer to

transfer information

1.communication protocol

2.communication method

3.network software

4.satellite modem

A local area network using wireless technology is termed a


2.Wireless local area network


4.All of the above

which of the following is measured in kbps , mbps and gbps

1.memory capacity

2.network transmission speed limits

3.PDA speed


which of the following is measured in kbps , mbps and gbps

1.memory capacity

2.network transmission speed limits

3.PDA speed


which of the following networks uses software to establish a secure channel on the iternet

for transmitting data

1.wireless network

2.secure public network

3.virtual public network

4.virtual private network

All of the following are basic principle of networks, except

1.only one computer must have a network card

2.there must be communications media connecting the network hardware devices

3.several computer must have a network card

4.none of the above

A(n) _____ consists of two or more computers connected so that they can communicate with each other

and shared information software, pheripheral devices and or processing power

1.computer network

2.distributed system

3.operating system

4.none of these

A(n)_______ is a network in which a small number of computers share hardware , software

and/or information

1.Half duplex network

2.multipoint network

3.peer-to-peer network

4.none of these

________ is a high speed interval connection , using phone lines which allows you to

use yout phone for voice communication of the same time

1.Data subscriber line

2.digitial subscriber line

3.digital switching line

4.3000 bit/s

The physical layer in the reference to the OSI model defines

1.data link procedures that provide for the exchange of data via frames that can be sent and received

2.the interface between x.25 network and packet node device

3.the virtual interface to packet switched services

4.All of the above

which out the following is not the principle of ISDN

1.support of voice and non-voice application

2.support of switched and non-switched applications

3.Intelligence in the network

4.limited configuration

layered protocols which of the offer following advantages

1.It breaks the design problem into more manageable and smaller pieces

2.It allows protects to be changed without affecting higher or lower ones

3.both (a) and (b)

4.None of the above

which data communication method is used to send data over a serial communication line


2.full duplex

3.half duplex

4.all of these

what is the main difference between synchronus and asynchronus transmission

1.the bandwidth required is different

2.the pulse height is different

3.the clocking is derived from the data in synchronous transmission

4.the clocking is mixed with the data in synchronus transmission

The transfer of data from a CPU to pheripheral devices of a computer is achieved through

1.computer parts



4.buffer memory

In asynchronous transmission receiver

1.In asynchronous transmission receiver

2.know when a data unit is sent

3.does not recognize begining and end of data unit

4.none of the above

Which of the following are sub layers of data link layer

1.logical link control, data link control

2.data link cotrol, logical link control

3.physical layer control, data line control

4.media access control, logical link control

Interoperability is the function of

1.network layer

2.presentation layer

3.transport layer

4.application layer

maximum data rate of channel of 3000 Hz bandwidth and S/N ratio of 30 DB is

1.30000 bit/s

2.60000 bit/s

3.75000 bits/s

4.3000 bit/s

A voice grade telephone line carries a continuous electromagnetic signals ranging between 3300 Hz

what is the channel capacity if the signal to raise ratio is 30 dB

1. 29.02 kbit/s

2. 29.9 kbit/s

3. 28.6 kbit/s

4. 30.13 kbit/s

maximum data rate of channel of 3000 Hz bandwidth and S/N ratio of 30 DB is

1.30000 bit/s

2.60000 bit/s

3.75000 bits/s

4.3000 bit/s

what is a MAC

1.It is the network layer address, of a NIC , that can not be modified

2.It is the network layer address of a NIC that can be modified

3.It is the data link layer address of a NIC that can not be modified

4.It is the data link layer address of a NIC, that can be modified

which of the following are the tasks performed by data link layer

1.Frame synchronization

2.flow control

3.Error control

4.All of the above

The _________ resources the number of lost or garbled messages as a fraction of the total

set in the sampling period

1.residual error rate

2.transfer failure probability

3.connection release failure probability

4.connection establishment failure probability

The file transfer protocol (FTP) requires a reliable transport service. which protocol

of the TCP/IP suite does it use

1.tranmission control protocol



4.All of the above

which of the following statemtents are correct

1.TCP is connection oriented and UDP is connectionless

2.UDP is connection oriented and TCP is connectionless

3.Both TCP and UDP are connection oriented

4.Both TCP and UDP are connectionless

Both TCP and UDP are connectionless, which of the following is a characteristic of a LAN

1.parallel transmission

2.unlimited expansion

3.low cost access for low bandwidth elements

4.application independent interfaces

which of the following is possible in a token passsing bus network

1.unlimited number of stations

2.unlimited distance

3.In service expansion

4.multiple time division channels

A voice / data multiplexer will not flow control



3.time slots

4.odd channels

An example of an analog communication method is

1.laser beam

2.micro waves

3.voice grade telephone line

4.all of above

If communication software can be called traffic cap of a micro communication system,

then what sould the modem be called





The linking of computers with a communication system is called



