Friday, October 5, 2018

                                          ES1: 2. Web Technology (5 Hours – 4 Credits)
Unit I
                TCP/IP: TCP/IP Basics – Why IP address – Logical Address - TCP/IP Example- The concept of IP address – Basics of TCP – Features of TCP – Relationship between TCP and IP – Ports and Sockets – Active Open and Passive Open - TCP Connections – What makes TCP reliable? – TCP Packet format - Persistent TCP connections – UDP – Differences between TCP and UDP.
 Unit II
                 DNS – E-mail – FTP – TFTP – History of WWW – Basics of WWW and Browsing - Local information on the internet – HTML – Web Browser Architecture – Web Pages and Multimedia – Remote Login (TELNET).
Unit III   
                 Introduction to Web Technology: Web pages – Tiers – Concept of a Tier – Comparison of Microsoft and Java Technologies – Web Pages – Static Web Pages – Plug-ins – Frames – Forms. Dynamic Web Pages: Need – Magic of Dynamic Web Pages – Overview of Dynamic Web Page Technologies – Overview of DHTML – Common Gateway Interface – ASP – ASP Technology – ASP Example – Modern Trends in ASP – Java and JVM – Java Servlets – Java Server Pages.
 Unit IV
                  Active Web Pages: Active Web Pages in better solution – Java Applets – Why are Active Web Pages Powerful? – Lifecycle of Java Applets – ActiveX Controls – Java Beans. Middleware and Component-Based E-Commerce Architectures: CORBA – Java Remote Method Invocation – DCOM. EDI: Overview – Origins of EDI – Understanding of EDI – Data Exchange Standards – EDI Architecture – Significance of EDI – Financial EDI – EDI and internet.
 Unit V
                  XML: SGML – Basics of XML – XML Parsers – Need for a standard. WAP: Limitations of Mobile devices – Emergence of WAP – WAP Architecture – WAP Stack – Concerns about WAP and its future – Alternatives to WAP. Text Book WEB TECHNOLOGIES TCP/IP to Internet Applications Architectures – Achyut S Godbole & Atul Kahate, TMH, 2007.
 Unit 1: Chapters 3.1-3.5,4.1-4.12
Unit II: Chapters 5.1-5.4,6.1-6.7
Unit III: Chapters 8.1-8.1,9.1-9.13
Unit IV: Chapters 10.1-10.7,15.1-15.3,16.1-16.8
Unit V: Chapters 17.1-17.4,18.1-18.6) 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

ES1.1: Client / Server Computing 
(5 Hours – 4 Credits) 
 Basic concepts of Client/Server – Characteristics – File Servers – Database servers – Transaction servers- Groupware servers – Objective servers – Web servers – Fat servers or fat clients – 2 tier versus 3 tier – Client/Server building blocks – Operating system services. Base services – Extended services – Server scalability – Client Anatomy

NOS Middleware – Peer-to-peer communications – RPC – MOM Middleware – MOM versus RPC - The fundamentals of SQL and relational databases – Server architecture – Stored procedures, triggers and rules. 

Online transaction processing – Decision support systems – OLTP versus DSS: programming effort, database needs – Data warehouses – Elements - Hierarchies – Replication versus Direct access – Replication mechanism – EIS/DSS Tools – Client/server transaction processing – transaction models – TP Monitors – Transaction management standards.

Groupware – Components – Distributed objects and components – CORBA: components – Object Management Architecture – Services – Business objects

Client/server Distributed system management – components – Management application – The Internet Management Protocols – OSI Management Framework – The Desktop Management Interface – X/Open Management Standards – Client/server application development tools – Client/Server Application Design.

Text book: Dan Harkey, Jeri Edwards and Robert Orfali, The Essential Client Server Survival Guide, 2nd edn. Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2000. 
Reference books: 1. Dawna Travis Dewire, Client/Server computing, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Jafferey D. Schank, Novell’s guide to Client/Server Application and Architecture, BPB Publications.